Additional Service and Support Ministries


 Birthmonth Building Fellowship Groups
Organized to provide a close comprehensive and cohesive unit of believers for social and spiritual support for the body of Christ.  Also provides opportunities to be good stewards of the time, talent and treasures that God has blessed us with for kingdom building. 

 Contact Person: Sis. Gwendolyn Brown, Birthmonth Groups Coordinator

 Phone number: 706-724-8052


 Building and Grounds Ministry 

 Contact Person: Dea. Herman Richards, Chairperson

 Contact Number: 706-724-8052


 A "China" Christmas Banquet Ministry

 Meeting date and time:  Seasonal

 Contact Person: Sis. Jacqueline Brownlee, Leader

 Contact Number: 706-724-8052


 Decorations Ministry 

 Contact Person: Sis. Clemestine R. Williams, Director

 Contact Number: 706-724-8052


 Kitchen Ministry 
Provides fellowship to the membership during joyful celebrations and comfort during bereavement by using the culinary experience which represents an extension of Pastoral Care.

 Contact Person: Sis. Janet Hickson, 1st Co-Director; 
                           Sis. Bernice Jennings, 2nd Co-Director

 Contact Number: 706-724-8052


 Minister Mentoring Males (M3) Ministry 
A Pastor-led Christian male mentoring ministry for all males (boys and men) teaching by precept and example Christian values and virtues to the end that all males will "increase in wisdom and in stature and in favor with God and man"  (Luke 2:52).

 Meeting date and time:  TBA

 Contact Person:  

 Contact Number: 706-724-8052


 Pastor's Banquet Ministry 

 Contact Person: Sis. Jessie Hardy, Chairperson 

 Contact Number: 706-724-8052


 Scholarship Ministry 
 A scholarship program designed to make a financial investment in our youth's educational future.  

 Meeting date and time:  TBA

 Contact Person: Dea. Ernest James, Director

 Contact Number: 706-724-8052


 Silas Norman, Sr. Memorial Library 
 A fully functional unit, containing general and Biblical resource books, audio/visual aids, and periodicals.

 Contact Person: Church Office

 Contact Number: 706-724-8052


 Stewardship and Financial Enhancement Ministry 
Its mission is to raise the awareness and consciousness of the membership for God's investment in our lives through temple, talent, treasure, time and testimony, by illustrative emphasis through scripture, preaching, teaching and support from other ministries throughout the church. 

 Contact Person: Sis. Beulah Dorsey, Director

 Contact Number: 706-724-8052


 Transportation Ministry 
The mission of the Transportation Ministry is to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with those who are not saved and to encourage those who are transported to worship services to commit to the mission of evangelism as we minister to them. 

 Contact Person: Bro. Dexter Cooper, Director

 Contact Number: 706-724-8052


 Volunteer Ministry 
Provides "loving-hearted service glad and free" through the enlistment, enlightenment and engagement of volunteers for the glorification of God, the edification of the church and the transformation of the community.

 Contact Person: Sis. Dorothy James and Sis. Ludie Huff, Directors

 Contact Number: 706-724-8052


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